Lots of improvisation and altissimo on Tenor and a little of both on [Low A] Bari. There’s one short passage marked as Bass Clarinet on the part.
The last note on some numbers is out of range for the Tenor(Ds and Ebs below the staff), but there is usually just enough time to switch to Bari if the preceding section is suitably transposed.
Added based on comment from Tom Kmiecik. Thanks!
Lots of improvisation and altissimo on Tenor and a little of both on [Low A] Bari. There’s one short passage marked as Bass Clarinet on the part.
The last note on some numbers is out of range for the Tenor(Ds and Ebs below the staff), but there is usually just enough time to switch to Bari if the preceding section is suitably transposed.
There is also a decent amount of Alto Sax on one number.