Flute, English horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, Irish flute, wooden flute in B, pennywhistle in B, pennywhistle in D, pennywhistle in E-flat, pennywhistle in high F
Added based on information received from Julie Pacheco. Julie says:
“All of the whistles are high, as is the Wood Flute in B. If you have a keyed Irish flute, you can play all of the Irish Flute and Wood Flute parts on one instrument. There is only one Irish flute part; it is written in the key of D and is 4 measures long. There are two short solos for the Wood Flute in B totaling about 10 measures.”
Added based on information received from Julie Pacheco. Julie says:
“All of the whistles are high, as is the Wood Flute in B. If you have a keyed Irish flute, you can play all of the Irish Flute and Wood Flute parts on one instrument. There is only one Irish flute part; it is written in the key of D and is 4 measures long. There are two short solos for the Wood Flute in B totaling about 10 measures.”