Reed 3 book has very little clarinet (4 bars at the beginning of Act 1, and 29 bars at the beginning of Act 2). The vast majority of the book is bassoon.
The Concord Theatricals version is 3 reed books
Reed 3 is (in order of usage): bassoon (39 numbers), bari sax (3 numbers – to low A), bass clarinet (5 numbers – to low Eb), & clarinet (35 measures total in 2 numbers).
Q: How much OBOE & EH is in Woodwind 1. Doing a college production, and don’t have the dbl reed players we need. Is it enough to be worth hiring a ringer? THANKS!
NM — I looked through the book. There’s A LOT of Oboe & EH. The only workaround I can think of is to transpose for Soprano and Alto Sax. Not ideal, but the colors are a little closer.
Added based on info sent by Ed Joffe (reed player in the Broadway production) to Ron Nelson.
Added clarinet to reed 1 based on information received from Michael Favreau.
What is currently being licensed by Concord Theatricals? It shows 3 reed books. Broadway?
I just played it. There are 2 reed books.
Reed 1 is picc, flute, clar, alto
Reed 2 is flute, clar, t sax, with optional oboe and English horn.
Did you play this with a amateur (K-12) production?
The website lists 3 reed books
Reed 3 book has very little clarinet (4 bars at the beginning of Act 1, and 29 bars at the beginning of Act 2). The vast majority of the book is bassoon.
How much flute/picc in reed 1 book?
(The 3 reed version)
The Concord Theatricals version is 3 reed books
Reed 3 is (in order of usage): bassoon (39 numbers), bari sax (3 numbers – to low A), bass clarinet (5 numbers – to low Eb), & clarinet (35 measures total in 2 numbers).
Added rental as new listing.
It would be so helpful to have this kind of breakdown for Reed 1 and Reed 2! Please post if you have it! Thank you.
Q: How much OBOE & EH is in Woodwind 1. Doing a college production, and don’t have the dbl reed players we need. Is it enough to be worth hiring a ringer? THANKS!
NM — I looked through the book. There’s A LOT of Oboe & EH. The only workaround I can think of is to transpose for Soprano and Alto Sax. Not ideal, but the colors are a little closer.