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Fiddler On the Roof

  1. Piccolo, flute, alto flute
  2. Oboe, English horn
  3. E-flat clarinet, clarinet
  4. Flute, clarinet, bass clarinet
  5. Clarinet, bassoon


  1. Seann Alderking says:

    Original line up (from MS orchestra scores:)

    1. Flute, Piccolo, Alto Flute
    2. Oboe, English Horn
    3. Clarinet, E flat Clarinet
    4. Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute
    5. Bassoon, Clarinet

    • Bret Pimentel says:

      Updated. Thank you!

    • Michael Ybarra says:

      Excuse me, but could you please send me an exact link where you found this information, incase it has the full number of instruments needed for this how?

      Or at least, and this is off-topic but important to me, somewhere where I can find the original production’s string arrangements(How many Violins, Violas, Cellos, and Basses)?

      Thank you! 🙂

  2. Brian says:

    Steve Suskin’s book on Broadway orchestration adds a Hecklephone to the Reed 5 book.

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