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Sunday in the Park with George

  1. Flute, clarinet, bass clarinet
  2. Piccolo, flute, clarinet
  3. Oboe, English horn, clarinet, alto saxophone


  1. Bret Pimentel says:

    Added based on information collected from Todd Groves and submitted by Ron Nelson.

  2. Alex Tirrell says:

    I have heard that this third reed book (orchestration version as a whole) comes from the London version of the show, because they don’t often have Oboe/EH players that double on other reeds? Not sure if it’s true, but if someone knows, please chime in!
    If that is true, I am surprised to see it also has alto and clarinet.
    Either way, lovely expanded orchestration from Michael Starobin!

  3. This version seems to be the current standard rental version from MTI (

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