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Reed 1 Harmonica part has double stopping not playable on a chromatic harmonica. You will need a few diatonic harmonicas (not sure what keys).
Reed 2 – E-flat clarinet is optional, double scored for flute. Bass clarinet does utilize a low C extension multiple times throughout the show.
Updated. Thank you!
Note: this comment referred to a previous instrumentation which has since been replaced. It may not apply to the current rental version.
Updated based on a comment by “Justin.” He reports: “The Reed 4 Book inexplicably contains low F#’s, G’s, and G#’s in several places throughout the book. Yes, these are below the low-A most modern Bari’s are capable of playing.”
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Reed 1 Harmonica part has double stopping not playable on a chromatic harmonica. You will need a few diatonic harmonicas (not sure what keys).
Reed 2 – E-flat clarinet is optional, double scored for flute. Bass clarinet does utilize a low C extension multiple times throughout the show.
Updated. Thank you!
Note: this comment referred to a previous instrumentation which has since been replaced. It may not apply to the current rental version.
Updated based on a comment by “Justin.” He reports: “The Reed 4 Book inexplicably contains low F#’s, G’s, and G#’s in several places throughout the book. Yes, these are below the low-A most modern Bari’s are capable of playing.”